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two roofing professionals installing solar panel on a roof

Hire The Pros: Get The Best Solar Installation Results!

Get The Best Results With Professional Solar Installation!

Roof mounted solar panels are a great addition to a new roof or your dream home when it is being built. Homeowners can save money on their energy bills by putting up solar panels. At Absolute Exteriors, we offer quality panels that save energy and last a long time. Call us at (630) 439-5298 to get a quote and find out how much money you can save. 

We know how important it is to choose the right installer. Our experts are good at giving both home and business clients high-quality service. We make the process as easy and quick as possible so that the switch to clean energy goes smoothly. 

Benefits Of Hiring Professional Solar Installation

1. Increased Safety

You should switch to using the sun’s energy to save money and help the environment. But you must hire a skilled expert to put the solar panels up. Installers know how electricity works and how to build systems that will last.

When you hire a professional to work on your system, you can ensure they will do it right and safely. It means that your family and things will not be in danger from electricity. Hiring a pro is smart because it will save you money in the long run.

2. Costly Repairs

If you want to save money on your energy bill and help the environment, you should get solar panels for your house. But you need to hire people who know how to install panels. If not, it could cost a lot of money to fix later on. Look for experienced installers who have been certified.

If you want solar panels installed, it is best to hire a professional installer. They will help you make a system that fits your needs and will save you money on repairs in the future. An expert installer will also make sure that each panel is mounted securely in the best place.

They ensure that all the tools work well and that all safety measures are taken. Hiring an installer may also help you get more out of your current system over time and save you money on repairs. Doing things right now will save time and money in the long run.

two roofing professionals installing solar panels on top of a roof

3. Up To Code

If you hire an expert, you will not have to worry about whether the job was done right. Also, many states and cities require that the work be done only by certified solar installers. This person has also been trained to ensure everything is set up and used safely.

Local inspectors will approve the solar installation if it is done by a professional. This will save you time, money, and stress because you will know they did the job well.

4. Longer-Lasting Results

Putting solar panels on your home takes a lot of skill and knowledge. The sun is powerful, so you need to ensure that the panels are set up correctly for them to work correctly. Hiring an expert to set up a system is a good idea. They know what they are doing, have done it before, and will do it right.

They can help you figure out how much power your home needs. This will help you save money on your electricity bill in the long run. Hiring a pro to put up your solar panels is a good idea because they will last longer and work better.

5. Financing Options

You should hire a solar contractor to install solar panels for many reasons. They can help you get better rates and financing for your project. They also have a lot of knowledge and can help make sure things are done right.

Installers can help you find ways to pay for the work. They allow you to determine what kind of loan or lease is best for your needs. As part of their service, they also take care of all the paperwork and applications needed to get a loan. With their help, you can get closer to living in a good way for the environment without having to do much.

6. Warranty Coverage

Harnessing energy from the sun is one way to get power without depending on the power company. If you want to do this, you should think about your choices. It is essential to hire an expert installer. They can also help if something goes wrong down the road.

Many solar firms give guarantees and warranties for their work and tools. It means they will fix anything that goes wrong for free. With these, you will be able to use clean energy for years without worrying about costly repairs. They help you get the most out of your investment in solar power now and in the future.

multiple solar panels on house roofs

7. Added Value

Some people try to set up their solar energy systems to save money. But it is better to hire an expert who knows what they are doing. They will do a better job; if something goes wrong, there is a warranty. Experts also know about electrical codes and how to make designs work best, which can save money in the long run.

If you want to increase the value of your home, you should have an installer inspect your property. They will be able to tell you where to put the solar panels in the best place. They will also know where to get materials that fit your needs. In this way, you can make your home as energy-efficient as possible.

A good installer will do a great job and ensure everything is installed securely. This will initially cost more money, but it will be worth it. Your energy bills will go down, and your home’s value will go up.

8. Tax Credits

You can get money from the government through tax credits if you hire an expert to install your solar panels. This could save you money on the cost of setup. Make sure you hire someone who knows what they are doing. They can help you get all the tax breaks you are eligible for. With their help, you can save money in the long run.

9. Solar Incentives And Rebates

If you want to use solar energy in your home, you should hire a professional. They can help you get paid back by the government for your work. Also, this person can save you time and money.

They will not only help you fill out the paperwork, but they will also tell you how to get the most rebate money. This depends on your budget and how much energy you need. Research an installer in your area who has worked for the government. This way, you can get all the discounts on this clean energy source!

It is excellent that you want to use the sun’s power to run your home. You will save money and help the environment at the same time. Expert solar installers have the knowledge and skills to do the job right. This means that your panels will save you the most money on energy costs for many years to come.

Absolute Exteriors has a lot of products for your home’s exterior. It includes things like solar panels, windows, and siding. We also have solutions for gutters and roofs. We have what you are looking for! Our goal is to make sure you get the right product for you. You can get the best for your home or business with the help of our financing options.

We also provide energy-efficient solutions like solar panel installation. They are designed to help you save money every month and increase the value of your home in the long run. For the best exterior installation services, contact us at (630) 439-5298 and request a quote today!

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Frequently Asked Questions

The most affordable residential and commercial panels have an efficiency of 15% to 18%. The most efficient panels on the market can achieve around 21%–22% efficiency, but at a cost. 

For most homeowners, the ideal angle for solar panel installation is close to or equal to your home’s latitude. This angle is usually between 30 and 45 degrees. This ensures that your home receives the highest average output from your solar power system throughout the year.

Multiply the number of solar panels by their wattage to calculate the capacity of a solar system. Solar power systems with more and higher wattage panels will generate more energy when all other factors are equal.


A typical one-bedroom house requires six solar panels, a three-bedroom house requires ten panels, and a five-bedroom house requires fourteen panels.


A solar power system of 10 kW is frequently enough to power an entire house. The average US household uses about 30 kWh of electricity per day, which would require a 5 kW to 8.5 kW solar system (depending on how much sun there is) to make up for it all. 


Most residential solar panels today are rated to produce between 250 and 400 watts per hour. Domestic solar panel systems typically have capacities ranging from 1 kW to 4 kW.


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