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Everything You Need To Know About Cedar Roof Replacement

Complete Cedar Roof Replacement Guide

Cedar roof replacement is becoming increasingly popular. It is because as your roof starts to show its age, it may become less effective at keeping your home warm or cool as a result of weather damage. Absolute Exteriors can assist you in finding a new roof. We can give you new shingles and do other things to make your roof look better and work better. Improving the appearance of your home will increase its value. Call (630) 439-5298 or fill out this form for a free estimate.

What Is A Cedar Shingle Replacement?

Replacing your old and damaged roof can keep water and other weather elements from entering your home. It will also improve its appearance. Cedar roofing is an excellent choice because it is long-lasting and resistant to decay and rot. It is also insect resistant, so you will have fewer pest problems on your property. If your house has an old roof, you can replace it. The new one could be constructed of cedar shingles. Cedar shingles are simple to install and have a long lifespan.

Some people choose to replace their cedar shingles every few years. Other people do not replace them because they are happy with their home’s appearance after many years. Replacing your cedar roof can give you some of the benefits of a new roof, but it does not have to be very expensive.

Cedar shingles come in many colors and styles to find the perfect look for your home. You can also choose from a variety of sizes to fit your needs.

If you are unsure if cedar roof replacement is a good idea for you, you should speak with a professional. A roofing contractor can help you determine if this project is right for your home and budget.

Cedar Roof Replacement
Cedar Roof Replacement

5 Benefits Of Cedar Roof Replacement

Some people construct their own wooden houses. They cover the house with a new type of roofing known as Cedar. Here are a few advantages of cedar roofing:

1. Durability

Cedar is naturally resistant to rot and decay, so that it will outlast other types of wood. You can save money on cedar shake roof repairs over time! Because of its durability will not need to be replaced as frequently as other types of wood.

2. Ease Of Maintenance

Cedar doesn’t require much attention. Cleaning it once a year would be beneficial, depending on where you live. It makes it simple to keep your home looking nice without investing too much time or money in maintenance.

3. Fire Resistance

Cedar is a durable and flame-resistant material, which means it is less likely to catch on fire if there is ever a fire in your house. Other materials like pine or spruce are not as flame-resistant and might burn more quickly in a fire.

4. Aesthetics

Cedar is a beautiful wood with a natural grain that can enhance the look of your home. It makes it a great choice if you’re looking for roofing that will improve your home’s curb appeal!

5. Value

Because cedar roofs last longer and require less maintenance than other types of roofs, they can save you money in the long run. It makes them an excellent investment for your home!

Cedar is a material to consider if you’re considering replacing your roof. It has many benefits that make it a wise choice for both function and aesthetics!

Cedar Roofing Contractors
Cedar Roofing Contractors

How To Find The Right Cedar Roofing Contractor?

It can be challenging to know where to start if you’re looking for a cedar roofing contractor. Here are a few tips:

  • Get recommendations from people you trust. If you know someone who has had it replaced, ask them if they liked the company that did it. If not, ask them why not!
  • One way to determine if a contractor is right for you is to find out what kind of work they are good at. For example, do they specialize in ivy shingle roofs or cedar shake roofs? It will help you know if they are qualified to do the job you need to be done. If they don’t specialize in that type of roof, they will probably tell you immediately, so you don’t waste your time with them.
  • Look up reviews of the contractor’s work quality and customer service. You may also want to see how long they have been in business in your area. It will help you know if they have local experience working on this project.
  • Ask for references from other clients who have hired this company before (and check their references out!).
  • Make sure you understand the warranty and guarantee that the contractor offers. It will help protect you if something goes wrong during or after the project.
  • Before choosing a company to clean your house, get quotes from a few companies. It will help you compare pricing and the services offered to determine the best company for your needs.
  • Make sure you understand the payment terms before signing any contracts! It will help avoid any misunderstandings down the road.
  • Make sure the contractor has insurance. It will help protect you if something happens while they are working on your roof.
  • Last but not least, trust your gut! If you have a good feeling about a particular contractor, chances are they’re probably the right one for the job.

We hope these tips help you find the perfect cedar roofing contractor for your needs! Make sure you research and ask plenty of questions before deciding on a new roof. It will help make sure the roof lasts for a long time.

When your cedar shingle roof is old, you will need to replace it. It is an excellent idea to research to find a good contractor. Absolute Exteriors is known to be one of the best in the area. We have been in business for many years and always put our customers first. We are experts in roofing services, which is why people trust us. If you’re considering replacing the cedar shakes roof, now is the time to contact us at (630) 439-5298. Check out our FAQ if you have any questions.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Aside from their stunning natural beauty, cedar shingles are a popular roofing material among homeowners and builders because they can last up to 50 years if properly maintained. The weather significantly impacts how long a cedar roof will last.

No. You should never seal your cedar roof. Sealing the roof will keep moisture inside that would otherwise evaporate during normal weather conditions. Cedar needs to breathe, so a water repellant product rather than a waterproofer is the best option.

You can use power washing to clean cedar if the sprayer is set to a low pressure to avoid damaging the soft surface of the wood. After cleaning and drying, you can paint the wood with urethane-acrylic house paint. 

If your cedar shakes curl excessively, you risk exposing your home to leaks, particularly if the underlayment beneath your shakes is exposed. At that point, you will almost certainly require a complete roof replacement. There is no way to avoid warping, which occurs when cedar is exposed to natural elements such as heat and rain.

Cedar roofs are constantly fighting against the elements. The minimum life expectancy of a cedar shingle roof is 30 years; however, with regular maintenance, it can last an astounding 50 years or more. Some Cedar roofs have even lasted over 90 years! Taking care of a cedar roof will extend its life. 

Blue-label shingles are thicker than red-label shingles and should be used for roofing, exterior or interior siding, and walls. A 5-1/2″ exposure is recommended when installing as a roof, and a 7-1/2″ exposure is recommended when installing vertically on the siding. Shingle is available in hobby and contractor packs.

Cedar shingles are susceptible to rot. Cedar shingles do not fare well when constantly wet. Mildew or mold grows as a result of frequent wetting. 

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